Malaysia Graffiti

Ahad, 2 Ogos 2015

Berjaya Corporation Bhd logo stencil on concrete

at working site, OKA Factory, Gambang

Stencil logos commissioned by Berjaya Corp consist of 10 types of logos which is U-Mobile, Starbuck, 7-Eleven, Mazda, Berjaya, Berjaya Sompo, Toto, Kenny Rogers, Cosway and Singer.

 These concretes sizes from 3 to 7 feet diameters was made to be artificial reef and sent to Tioman Island. It took us 5 days to complete all over 60 concretes with about 20 logos each.

Artificial Reef at Tioman Sea Bed

Artificial Reef launch by Tan Sri Vincent Tan and Dato Sri Robin Tan

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